The Benediction

The Benediction

May the Lord bless and keep you. Make his face to shine u – pon you.
May you see his face and know his grace. May his peace abound to you.

Your name reigning over us. Your name victorious.
By your name – ame , you’ve us called yours.
Lifting high your holy name.

May the Lord bless and keep you, with the cross ever before you.
May you seek his ways for all your days. May his peace abound in you.

Lifting high your holy name,
Lifting high your holy name

In the traditional worship service, the pastor prays a Benediction prayer as a blessing over the congregation. This practice acts as a reminder of the greatest blessing given to humanity, Jesus. We want to celebrate God’s benediction in our 3-song Christmas EP representing the latest songwriting contributions from our global songwriting community.